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Cockroaches Control:

  • We check and monitor the level of the pest in your premises.

  • We do cover up; remove the area material to ensure safety procedures, especially in your kitchen and dining area.

  • We use the certified pesticides in the form of liquids, gels, dusts and gasses.

  • We seal the cockroach harborage areas.

  • We use traps and baits that are designed for cockroach.

  • We arrange a certain program to control cockroaches in a building and its surrounding environment and advise how you can help reduce future problems.

  • We make you aware about the breeding lifecycle of cockroach.

  • We advise you on improving housekeeping and sanitation levels within the site for further control that may include simple tasks such as fixing mesh over holes to prevent Cockroach entry and to seal cracks and crevices.



  • We put up a certain treatment to control spiders in a building and advise how you can help reduce future problems.

  • We will carry out an inspection and analyze our findings such as identify the species of spiders, and find out main source or nesting areas and access points for spiders etc.

  • To enable us to have an effective spider control program, we check the level of the pest in your premises and find out the affected area.

  • We do cover up; remove the area material to ensure safety procedures, especially in your affected area.

  • We use the certified pesticides in the form of liquids, gels, dusts and gasses and treat all affected areas with safe insecticides and concentrate in spraying to the perimeter of your home or building.

  • We make you aware about the breeding lifecycle of spiders, as it may be quite hard to eliminate in one endeavor.

  • We may advise and suggest you to wear gloves when gardening or handling soil and sensible footwear during an evening walk.


        Bed Bugs

  • To enable us to have an effective bed bugs control program, we check the level of the pest in your premises and find out the affected area.

  • We do cover up; remove the area material to ensure safety procedures, especially in your bedroom and resting area.

  • We use the certified pesticides in the form of liquids and dusts and treat all affected areas with safe insecticides and concentrate.

  • We make you aware about the breeding lifecycle of bed bugs, as it may be quite hard to eliminate in one endeavor.

  • We advise you on improving housekeeping and sanitation levels within the site for further control that may include simple tasks such as wash bedding and clothing in hot water, vacuum carefully to all hard floor areas, carpets, rugs and soft furniture. Most frequently, bed bugs can be found in mattresses, bed bases, crevice and even behind pictures on the wall, you may dry it on a sunny day for a couple of times for a proper eliminate of bed bugs.


  • We will carry out an inspection and analyze our findings such as identify the species of rats and mice, and find out main source or nesting areas and access points for ants etc.

  • To enable us to have an effective ant control program, we check the level of the rats and mice in your premises and find out the affected area.

  • We set up traps and rodent baits specially designed for rats and mice.

  • We block or prevent entry-access for rodents within your premises.

  • We make you aware about the breeding lifecycle of rats and mice, as it may be quite hard to eliminate in one endeavor.

  • We may advise you to monitor for several days throughout the site to provide rodent detection.

  • We advise you to sanitize the area where it can reduce food and water available to rats and mice, for an example, avoid keeping rubbish indoors overnight, ensure food is stored above the ground and clear of walls.



  • We will carry out an inspection and analyze our findings such as identify the species of ants, and find out main source or nesting areas and access points for ants etc.

  • To enable us to have an effective ant control program, we check the level of the pest in your premises and find out the affected area.

  • We do cover up; remove the area material to ensure safety procedures, especially in your dining and sitting area.

  • We use the certified pesticides in the form of liquids, gels, dusts and gasses and treat all affected areas with safe insecticides and concentrate in spraying to the perimeter of your home or building.

  • We make you aware about the breeding lifecycle of ant, as it may be quite hard to eliminate in one endeavor.

  • We advise you to sanitize the area where it can reduce food and water available to Ants, for an example, avoid keeping rubbish indoors overnight, ensure food is stored above the ground and clear of walls.




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